In a large chamber behind the colossal
Doric colonnades four columns deep –
Bernini’s ‘maternal arms of mother church’ –
that enclose both sides of St Peter’s Square
is an exhibition: How Christ Was Brought
To The New World. There are extensive maps
and long lists of dates, the occasional
Christian martyr’s cross or chasuble,
and illustrations of happy converts,
but not a hint of the laying waste
to inconvenient cultures, the blood
and lamentation, the casuistry,
the theft, and servitude.
BerniniChristianityconversionCrusadesgospelsmissionariesRomeSt Peter's Squarethe New World
Alex Cox
February 26, 2023Rome is the centre of the Western Empire, boss. In 1980 I saw an exhibition in the Colliseum, showing Mussolini’s architectural plans for Rome. These included a massive, silver, triumphal arch.
This disturbed me quite a bit, because I’d seen the finished piece the previous year, in St Louis, MO, where the Americans had built Il Duce’s arch as their ‘Gateway to The West’.
David Selzer
February 26, 2023I first saw the Gateway Arch from Cahokia – I wondered at the time, and now I know. So, thank
, boss!