“It’s not much of a tail but I’m sort of attached to it.”
Travelling home in the gloaming from the film
‘Christopher Robin’ – where an Englishman
re-discovers his inner lost boy,
an observation that is not unkind –
she says, leaning forward confidingly,
as we cautiously join the motorway,
‘Grandma! I think Grandpa is a bit like
Eeyore’ – as one might say ‘like Charlie Chaplin
or Einstein’. I ponder, as I tut tut
at overtaking speedsters, and wonder
if there are Guardians still at the Co-op,
what it is, at eight, she sees: a mostly
avuncular, slightly lugubrious
bearded johnny with specs and a high forehead,
or an elderly child stuffed with arcana,
given to irony? Whatever it is
if there were blessings I would feel blessed
Mary Clark
December 31, 2021Love it!