…not Chopin’s Polonaise in A Major
that played on Radio Warsaw as
the Polish Cavalry fought the Panzers
nor the sculpture park in New York State
but a tree-lined business park for IBM
on the edge of Warwick, medieval stronghold
of Earl Richard Neville, the King Maker,
next to the town cemetery discrete
behind a hedgerow of hawthorn and yew,
with the Grand Union Canal nearby
and its Hatton Flight of locks, twenty one in
two miles, opened in 1799
when Chopin was not even a twinkle
and the six nations of the Iroquois –
a confederate democracy –
were each ceding their skies, their rivers, their trees,
their stones to New York State…
ChopinEarl Richard Neville the King MakerGrand Union CanalHatton FlightIBMNew York StatePanzersPolish CavalryPolonaise in A MajorWarwick
What do you think?