…and, with the film-maker, he returns
to where he sang, as a boy, in a boat;
a prisoner, an orphan, a Jew dumping sacks of crushed bone in the river;
keeping the Germans entertained with the
Prussian marching songs they had taught him –
and the Poles so charmed that, now he has returned
in middle age, they reminisce fulsomely:
bemused, he turns to camera in such pain…
January 5, 2015Great collection of your hard-earned lyrics, David, which I see mean a lot to you. Indeed a series of honest lessons from history yet ever so true to one’s heritage be it difficult but full of hope…my humble thanks for sharing.
David Selzer
January 6, 2015Thank you, Randall. I particularly appreciate, as would any writer, ‘hard-earned’.