For more than half our lives, we have lived
in this enigmatic, anachronistic
Victorian villa – built to look like
a Georgian farmhouse – with ashlar blocks
at three corners, the fourth unfinished.
A Valentine’s Day removal, we ate
a takeaway in the kitchen with friends.
The wife is a widow now. Our daughter
has grown, gone and visits: her childhood
still blesses the rooms sun touches through the day’s
compass. We have watched, at the long sash window
on the half landing, the sky and the garden
change through the slow seasons – sparrows in flight,
a leaf falling. Love lasts.
anachronisticashlarchildhoodcompassenigmaticfarmhouseGeorgiansash windowtakeawayValentine’s Day
John Chapman
August 29, 2010A time of nostalgia for you at this turning point in your lives. As long as it is not indulged too much, nostalgia can be a great comfort and a reminder of the important things in life, the most important being love in all its forms. I am now linked in love with your family through my son, your daughter and our beautiful granddaughter. Love not only lasts but extends its loving tentacles and, if we allow, envelops and rejuvenates us.
Howard Gardener
August 31, 2010HERE
David, it sounds to me as though you are now becoming a part of that house. Perhaps propping up that fourth corner?
David Selzer
September 1, 2010Poet’s Corner then – the artist as buttress.
Howard Gardener
September 2, 2010Touché!